Being arrested for drunk driving can be a scary and overwhelming experience. Your first question after your arrest is likely to be: What happens now?
It’s normal to have questions. At Engel & Associates, we approach every case with compassion, and we offer the support, guidance, and answers our clients need. For many people, a drunk driving arrest is the first time they have ever had contact with law enforcement. We understand the emotional roller coaster that frequently accompanies being charged with a criminal offence.
Ontario Law Is Tough on Drunk Driving
If you have been charged with impaired driving, you face potentially serious consequences. Motorists under the age of 21 charged with alcohol-related impaired driving will receive an automatic 24-hour licence suspension. This rule also applies to novice drivers regardless of age. Underage and novice drivers may also have to pay a maximum fine of $500. For novice drivers, an impaired driving charge could result in the loss of their novice licence.
The penalties are also harsh for all other motorists caught drinking and driving. For example, motorists who refuse to take a blood or breath test will have their licence suspended immediately. Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration between .05 per cent and .08 per cent could lose their licence for a maximum of 30 days.
If you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, authorities have the right to confiscate your vehicle for up to 45 days regardless of who owns the car. If you were caught driving impaired in a rental vehicle or a vehicle that belongs to a friend, this can cause you significant financial problems.
Furthermore, a drunk driving conviction will result in a criminal record that can stay in place for up to 10 years.
Fight the Charges
There are many ways to fight impaired driving charges. Your case is not hopeless; we can help. Call today to discuss your options.
Ottawa, Ontario Criminal Defence
Criminal defence lawyer Bruce Engel has represented individuals and businesses charged with hundreds of different offences throughout Canada for more than two decades. From the start of a criminal investigation to the close of a trial, we will take a balanced and forceful approach to your defence. We have the experience and know-how to effectively navigate the constantly changing justice system in Canada.